Family history in Christmas is something everyone has. In fact, the stories of family at Christmas can possibly be the most cherished family memories we possess.
In this merry episode of the Merry Little Podcast we take it to a very personal level when it comes to Christmas history as we discuss the sharing and retention of our family Christmas stories.
We have all been there when it comes to these things. We’ll sit around at or after the funeral of a loved one and we’ll tell their stories. Each life is unique, so these stories in simple and great ways carry supreme value not because they may be unusual but because they involved people we love.
How much more special is that when you combine the stories of family with the celebration of Christmas?
~ Family History is a Thing ~
The pursuit of family history is one of the most popular Internet hobbies online. FamilySearch.org claims more than 200 million visits a year as they continue to add billions of new records online of ancestral research value.
Across the globe as millions work to find their roots through hard data of names of people, places and dates of life transitions there is one component that can hardly been indexed and cataloged and searched online: personal stories.
I’m no different than anyone else. This episode is as much about creating a family record of a few of our simple Christmas stories as it is a means of creating a podcast for you, Merry Listeners. These podcasts, after all, are a personal archive me and some day, after I’m pushing up daisies, they will no doubt be of value to people who might call me their ancestor.
So this is an episode of personal history — of Christmas celebrated.
What can you do to preserve your family stories of Christmas? After all, not everyone has a podcast, right?
~ How to Get Family History in Christmas Recorded ~
Of course there are many ways. But the hardest part does not seem to be the creative effort it requires. It’s actually just the time and effort to just make a record.
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Use the season to create the record. When family is gathered “roll tape!”, as they say. Set up the video camera or flip on the phone and just start talking.
2. Give family history as a gift. It can be as simple as a frame picture or photo album to copies of an old journal. These personal gifts tend to not only be long-remembered and cherished but they also spur good discussion and memory sharing in families.
3. Involve the young and the old. Storytelling is an art that has never gone out of fashion. Add that element to your holiday meals and gatherings.
There are a billion ideas out there. But the honest truth is that once you share and create records they tend to take on a life of their own. We just need to get them started.